- 02/19/2017 - Vortrag als Teil des Zertifikatskurses in für Lehrer in Meißen.
- 01/27/2017 - Vortrag über Gee Vero bei Euregia in Viersen
- 01/13/2017 - fruits of my labour 2014-2016
- 12/23/2016 - Ein cooles Geschenk zu jeder Zeit :)
- 12/14/2016 - Wir brauchen einen Schul- und Lehrer-TÜV
- 11/30/2016 - Der Brückenbauer
- 11/25/2016 - Internationaler Tag gegen Gewalt an Frauen
- 11/17/2016 - Schreibtisch-Geschichten
- 11/09/2016 - 1989
- 11/08/2016 - Melinda entdeckt die Liebe
- 11/04/2016 - many new Art of Inclusion pictures
- 10/27/2016 - RIP Manfred Krug
- 10/06/2016 - 208 wherever I go
- 08/01/2016 - für die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/19/2016 - finally, here I am
- 07/12/2016 - Elijah´s Welt ist auch deine Welt
- 06/16/2016 - Internationaler Fachtag autea Bielefeld
- 06/10/2016 - new book out now "I, me and myself - My life with autism"
- 05/30/2016 - memories never fade away
- 05/23/2016 - Seelensplitter
- 05/19/2016 - neues Buch
- 05/18/2016 - Themenwoche Autismus in Annaberg-Buchholz
- 05/15/2016 - 208
- 05/13/2016 - Mein Buch auf Platz Eins...soon out in English
- 05/02/2016 - Happy 8th Birthday Mothi
- 03/18/2016 - kleine Notizen zu (meinem) Autismus
- 03/11/2016 - let the season begin...
- 02/25/2016 - #domestic abuse #blackdotcampaign
- 02/24/2016 - endlich frei
- 02/08/2016 - Radio Times
- 02/05/2016 - MDR Radio Figaro trifft Gee Vero
- 02/03/2016 - Radio Gaga
- 02/02/2016 - endlich frei
- 01/18/2016 - Radio Mephisto Leipzig
- 01/11/2016 - Neue Ausstellung The Art of Inclusive
- 12/17/2015 - Phönixfeuer
- 12/15/2015 - #supportelijah
- 10/31/2015 - Phoenix
- 10/30/2015 - no angel
- 10/27/2015 - ein paar Worte zu Autismus
- 10/25/2015 - To someone I know
- 10/05/2015 - aus aktuellem Anlass
- 09/03/2015 - Black Dot Campaign
- 08/31/2015 - Gedanken zu Inklusion
- 08/21/2015 - The Art of Inclusion gets better and better
- 08/09/2015 - summer
- 08/07/2015 - first times
- 08/06/2015 - to my Self
- 08/05/2015 - neue Ufer
- 07/31/2015 - mein Phönix
- 07/30/2015 - weise Worte
- 07/28/2015 - der 209. Tag des Jahres
- 07/27/2015 - For I do exist
- 07/25/2015 - für meine Mutter an ihrem Geburtstag
- 07/20/2015 - Happy birthday kleiner großer Held
- 06/13/2015 - dove sei
- 06/12/2015 - from a distance
- 06/11/2015 - for a friend - für einen Freund
- 06/10/2015 - Elijah and Anna
- 06/02/2015 - Autismus - (m)eine andere Wahrnehmung
- 05/27/2015 - Bareface goes 3D
- 05/26/2015 - light painting
- 05/19/2015 - somewhere nowhere
- 05/14/2015 - Vatertag
- 05/13/2015 - Elijah made it on the cover of a cool autism book
- 05/10/2015 - Seele baumeln lassen
- 04/20/2015 - The Art of Inclusion in Lutherstadt Wittenberg
- 03/25/2015 - Neuzugang bei The Art of Inclusion
- 02/05/2015 - Abgrund
- 02/02/2015 - Neuzugang bei The Art of Inclusion
- 01/30/2015 - Happy birthday Hans
- 01/21/2015 - take a walk in my shoes
- 01/19/2015 - 5 Jahre The Art of Inclusion
- 12/12/2014 - United Colours of Bareface
- 12/05/2014 - für einen Freund
- 11/11/2014 - The Art of Inclusion macht Schule
- 11/07/2014 - taking London
- 11/06/2014 - cerca trova
- 10/13/2014 - Bucket List: Bestseller List - done
- 10/12/2014 - für mich, die ich war, die ich bin und die ich sein werde
- 10/08/2014 - Autismus Fakt #1
- 10/06/2014 - Autismus Aufklärung mit jedem Handschlag
- 09/29/2014 - Hände schütteln für Autismus
- 09/17/2014 - in mir drin
- 09/15/2014 - Aschetage
- 09/09/2014 - befreien
- 09/07/2014 - Maskenball
- 09/02/2014 - temporis praeteritum
- 09/01/2014 - Landgang
- 08/15/2014 - amore mei ipsius impulsa
- 08/08/2014 - Elijah
- 07/28/2014 - Autismus Buch jetzt erhältlich
- 07/27/2014 - Regentag
- 07/25/2014 - Nosce te ipsum als e-book bei amazon
- 07/25/2014 - Nos
- 07/23/2014 - Gedichteband Nosce te ipsum
- 07/23/2014 - und immer und immer wieder
- 07/15/2014 - aus dem Dunkel
- 07/14/2014 - Gedichtband Nosce te ipsum
- 07/11/2014 - Tunnelvisionen
- 07/09/2014 - in deinen Armen
- 07/07/2014 - Worte
- 07/04/2014 - Ego sum qui sum
- 06/20/2014 - Panem et circenses III
- 06/16/2014 - immer wieder
- 06/03/2014 - lux
- 05/31/2014 - Für die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 05/30/2014 - litterae
- 05/29/2014 - it´s been 17 years and 358 days since you gave your love to me
- 05/28/2014 - Freundschaft
- 05/26/2014 - Gratwanderung
- 05/20/2014 - meine Zeit
- 05/19/2014 - to whom it may concern
- 05/18/2014 - graue Tage
- 05/17/2014 - Nosce te ipsum.
- 05/16/2014 - tempestas
- 05/14/2014 - um anzukommen
- 05/06/2014 - Wo sind die Gesichter hin?
- 05/01/2014 - Lichter der Welt
- 04/27/2014 - I will be there
- 04/26/2014 - to Elijah
- 04/25/2014 - der Weg
- 04/23/2014 - if I could fly
- 04/22/2014 - white dove
- 04/12/2014 - eine neue Tür, ein neuer Anfang
- 04/11/2014 - cor meum
- 04/08/2014 - wie weit bis zur Unendlichkeit?
- 04/05/2014 - ich bin wie ich bin
- 04/04/2014 - für Livvy Leigh
- 04/01/2014 - um zu sehen
- 03/29/2014 - Unter der Laterne
- 03/28/2014 - Komm
- 03/27/2014 - Jenseits des Lichts
- 03/26/2014 - alles nur ein Traum
- 03/25/2014 - Zug nach nirgendwo
- 03/24/2014 - nirgendwo
- 03/22/2014 - Leben im Augenblick
- 03/21/2014 - und warum?
- 03/20/2014 - der Himmel über mir
- 03/19/2014 - Theater des Lebens
- 03/18/2014 - warum
- 03/17/2014 - nulla via retro
- 03/16/2014 - ab imo pectore
- 03/15/2014 - Ego sum, qui sum
- 03/12/2014 - Spaziergang am Rande eines Märchens
- 03/11/2014 - Für die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 03/10/2014 - hier und jetzt
- 03/07/2014 - nimbatus
- 03/06/2014 - mentale Notizen
- 03/05/2014 - Was ist mir geblieben?
- 03/04/2014 - cupio
- 03/03/2014 - Panem et circenses II
- 03/01/2014 - momentum
- 02/27/2014 - wer wir sind
- 02/26/2014 - den Sternen gewidmet
- 02/25/2014 - Befreiung
- 02/24/2014 - Endlich frei
- 02/22/2014 - Seiltänzer
- 02/20/2014 - Komm
- 02/19/2014 - Das andere Sein
- 02/18/2014 - Weltenwanderer
- 02/14/2014 - Be mine
- 02/12/2014 - Schicksal
- 02/08/2014 - Manifest
- 02/04/2014 - hier und jetzt
- 01/30/2014 - mein Geschenk
- 01/26/2014 - Maskerade
- 01/24/2014 - deine Spuren im Schnee
- 01/23/2014 - wie ein Phönix
- 01/22/2014 - Die Stille in mir
- 01/21/2014 - Heimat
- 01/20/2014 - Momente
- 01/18/2014 - Sternenkinder
- 01/17/2014 - Schattenmensch
- 01/16/2014 - Begegnung
- 01/15/2014 - Der Mann am Piano
- 01/13/2014 - Heimat
- 01/10/2014 - du und ich
- 01/09/2014 - heute ist nicht morgen
- 01/08/2014 - ohne dich
- 01/07/2014 - wo du bist
- 01/06/2014 - Engel
- 01/04/2014 - wir
- 01/03/2014 - Lass uns
- 01/02/2014 - Seelendenken
- 12/31/2013 - ein Jahr geht zu Ende
- 12/30/2013 - ich dachte
- 12/29/2013 - Lady in Red
- 12/24/2013 - Weihnachten
- 12/23/2013 - Ode an den Weihnachtsmann
- 12/22/2013 - Der Tänzer in mir
- 12/21/2013 - Immer
- 12/19/2013 - Solus eris numquam, nisi te vitaveris ipse.
- 12/17/2013 - stella transvolans
- 12/16/2013 - Was wäre, wenn
- 12/14/2013 - zuhause
- 12/12/2013 - Und wenn
- 12/10/2013 - Dove sei
- 12/09/2013 - wir
- 12/08/2013 - Der Fall S.Claus
- 12/06/2013 - sic transit
- 12/05/2013 - Dear Madiba
- 12/04/2013 - Kosmos
- 12/03/2013 - Ich weiß jetzt
- 12/02/2013 - Mit jedem Schritt
- 12/01/2013 - für Elijah
- 11/30/2013 - Du bist überall
- 11/29/2013 - Begegnungen
- 11/28/2013 - for I am
- 11/27/2013 - Panem et circenses
- 11/26/2013 - Vivere est militare
- 11/25/2013 - lux aeterna
- 11/24/2013 - Omnia mea mecum porto
- 11/23/2013 - Dunkelheit und Licht
- 11/22/2013 - Alter alteram amplexus in aeternum
- 11/19/2013 - im Herzen immer nah
- 11/18/2013 - Zeit zu vergeben, zu verzeihen
- 11/17/2013 - Für die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 11/15/2013 - RIP
- 11/11/2013 - und immer wieder
- 11/09/2013 - in meinem Herzen
- 11/08/2013 - Kein Abschied ist für immer.
- 11/07/2013 - conditivusum
- 11/07/2013 - Du
- 11/06/2013 - Oculi mei te solum desiderant. Vale.
- 11/05/2013 - und wieder
- 11/04/2013 - mit Angst bewaffnet
- 11/03/2013 - I, me and my self
- 11/01/2013 - vita est ludus
- 10/30/2013 - Die Schatten der Engel
- 10/29/2013 - de facto
- 10/28/2013 - I, me and myself
- 10/26/2013 - Lebenszeichen
- 10/25/2013 - Das Ende dieser Suche
- 10/23/2013 - Angst
- 10/22/2013 - Achterbahn
- 10/20/2013 - Phönix
- 10/18/2013 - alles nur in meinem Kopf
- 10/17/2013 - Ius primae noctis
- 10/16/2013 - wie ich das sehe
- 10/15/2013 - im Reich der Wirklichkeit
- 10/14/2013 - Sailing
- 10/13/2013 - tempus fugit amor manet
- 10/12/2013 - Super Girl
- 10/11/2013 - farewell to A.
- 10/10/2013 - der Zirkus meines Lebens
- 10/09/2013 - vielleicht
- 10/07/2013 - Brot
- 10/06/2013 - Das verrückte Huhn
- 10/03/2013 - mein Sein
- 10/02/2013 - Wege gehen
- 10/01/2013 - gebrochene Flügel
- 10/01/2013 - mein Wolkenkind
- 09/30/2013 - manchmal
- 09/29/2013 - Neubeginn
- 09/25/2013 - how could you
- 09/25/2013 - Das Karussel des Lebens
- 09/24/2013 - Der Wind
- 09/23/2013 - es brennt ein Feuer in meinem Herzen
- 09/22/2013 - Häuser ohne Türen
- 09/20/2013 - 208
- 09/19/2013 - Seite an Seite
- 09/18/2013 - und wir werden uns nie verlieren
- 09/17/2013 - Tunnel-visionen
- 09/15/2013 - Bilderwand
- 09/13/2013 - acta est fabula
- 09/12/2013 - Zeit für Abschiede
- 09/11/2013 - Es scheint unmöglich, bis man es tut. Mandela
- 09/10/2013 - Ab imo pectore
- 09/09/2013 - verlassene Stühle
- 09/08/2013 - Feuertänzer
- 09/07/2013 - Schattenmenschen
- 09/05/2013 - haltlos
- 09/04/2013 - contexere
- 09/03/2013 - capitalis
- 09/02/2013 - Seelenträger
- 09/01/2013 - Septemberfarben
- 08/31/2013 - Das Ende eines Sommers
- 08/30/2013 - nur dieses eine Mal
- 08/25/2013 - Sommerzeit
- 08/18/2013 - 208, Phönix und Eva
- 08/17/2013 - zwei die sich verstehen
- 08/15/2013 - no matter what
- 08/14/2013 - von der Schwierigkeit des Seins
- 08/13/2013 - Erinnerungen
- 08/12/2013 - neue Zimmer, alte Räume
- 08/10/2013 - neue Ufer
- 08/08/2013 - und du bist es
- 08/07/2013 - spaceman in the sky
- 08/07/2013 - Freunde
- 08/06/2013 - tief in mir drinnen
- 08/04/2013 - sei du da
- 08/03/2013 - Wege
- 08/02/2013 - Courage
- 08/01/2013 - Wunder
- 07/31/2013 - Flammen
- 07/30/2013 - und immer wieder
- 07/29/2013 - Lebensjahre
- 07/28/2013 - mit jedem Anfang
- 07/27/2013 - der Tag 208
- 07/26/2013 - es ist noch lange nicht vorbei
- 07/25/2013 - um meiner selbst
- 07/24/2013 - Die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/23/2013 - la sombra del viento
- 07/22/2013 - wenn es denn so ist
- 07/21/2013 - man tut, wozu man taugt
- 07/20/2013 - für Elijah
- 07/18/2013 - suchen und finden
- 07/17/2013 - vis-a-vis
- 07/16/2013 - Angst frißt Seele auf
- 07/15/2013 - Rendezvous mit der Angst
- 07/12/2013 - für die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/12/2013 - Ich, mein Selbst und die Anderen
- 07/11/2013 - Die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/10/2013 - Die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/09/2013 - Die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 07/05/2013 - wer wir sind
- 07/04/2013 - frei sein
- 07/03/2013 - Manege frei
- 07/02/2013 - meine Reise
- 07/01/2013 - unter meiner Haut
- 06/30/2013 - über Schiffe und Anker
- 06/29/2013 - neue Wege
- 06/28/2013 - Wegweiser
- 06/27/2013 - wieder einmal anders
- 06/26/2013 - mein Weg
- 06/25/2013 - Alice aus dem Wunderland
- 06/24/2013 - zeitlos
- 06/24/2013 - Heimat
- 06/21/2013 - Mutgedicht
- 06/20/2013 - Ad multos annos
- 06/19/2013 - die Menschen an meinem Tisch
- 06/18/2013 - was war
- 06/17/2013 - gemeinsam gehen
- 06/15/2013 - was vom Tage übrig blieb
- 06/14/2013 - wir sind Tänzer
- 06/02/2013 - Grimma
- 06/01/2013 - Auf Wiedersehen Phönix
- 05/30/2013 - Regentag
- 05/29/2013 - Wolkengedicht
- 05/28/2013 - wie oft
- 05/26/2013 - Gewesen
- 05/25/2013 - Seele
- 05/24/2013 - ein paar Zeilen über Glück
- 05/23/2013 - irgendwann
- 05/22/2013 - Einhorn 208
- 05/21/2013 - an einem längst vergangenem Tag
- 05/20/2013 - wieder einmal
- 05/19/2013 - mitten drin allein
- 05/18/2013 - Regentag
- 05/17/2013 - für Elijah
- 05/16/2013 - du und ich
- 05/15/2013 - Hör auf
- 05/14/2013 - verstehen
- 05/13/2013 - Mauer
- 05/12/2013 - so wie wir sind
- 05/10/2013 - grenzen(los)
- 05/09/2013 - Männer
- 05/08/2013 - Der Flug der Möwe
- 05/07/2013 - Angst
- 05/06/2013 - ein Platz am Wasser
- 05/03/2013 - Wunder sehen lernen
- 05/02/2013 - wenn man glaubt
- 04/30/2013 - Das Arschgedicht
- 04/29/2013 - Das Meer
- 04/28/2013 - was braucht es
- 04/27/2013 - Manche Menschen
- 04/26/2013 - zusammen
- 04/25/2013 - Erkenntnisse
- 04/24/2013 - Fliegen
- 04/23/2013 - verbunden
- 04/22/2013 - Wege
- 04/19/2013 - Was wenn
- 04/18/2013 - Tanz mit mir
- 04/17/2013 - zusammen
- 04/10/2013 - Spur der Steine
- 04/05/2013 - verbunden
- 03/19/2013 - Selbst
- 03/18/2013 - Blickrichtungen
- 03/07/2013 - Phönix
- 03/04/2013 - am 7. Tag
- 03/03/2013 - Neustart
- 02/26/2013 - Neue Zeit
- 02/24/2013 - Kosmos
- 02/23/2013 - dieser Jemand
- 02/22/2013 - Begegnung mit Selbst
- 02/21/2013 - die schönste Zeit in meinem Leben
- 02/20/2013 - kostbares Gut
- 02/19/2013 - Botschaften
- 02/18/2013 - Wege
- 02/17/2013 - Glücksorte
- 02/14/2013 - Diese eine Liebe ...
- 02/13/2013 - Ich bin ich
- 02/12/2013 - anders
- 02/12/2013 - Treibgut auf Abstellgleisen
- 02/11/2013 - Spiel des Lebens
- 02/10/2013 - Lebenselixier
- 02/09/2013 - Ankommen
- 02/08/2013 - Glückmacher
- 02/07/2013 - Liebe ist
- 02/06/2013 - das Eichhörnchen & der Eichelhäher
- 02/05/2013 - Insel
- 02/04/2013 - Du, dein Selbst und ich
- 02/04/2013 - erkennen
- 02/03/2013 - Ich sehe dein Lächeln
- 02/01/2013 - abgeschossen
- 01/31/2013 - Masken
- 01/30/2013 - Statt Strand
- 01/30/2013 - Nachtblog
- 01/29/2013 - Suche
- 01/28/2013 - Graue Seelen
- 01/27/2013 - Geradewegs aus meinem Herzen
- 01/26/2013 - Es gibt nur diese eine Welt
- 01/25/2013 - 208 Worte über Winter
- 01/24/2013 - Badeente
- 01/23/2013 - wieder einmal
- 01/22/2013 - wo wir stehen, welchen Weg wir gehen
- 01/19/2013 - mit dem Herzen schauen
- 01/17/2013 - und wenn du mich brauchst
- 01/16/2013 - Der Clown in mir
- 01/15/2013 - Das Leben leben
- 01/14/2013 - farewell pictures 1-4
- 01/13/2013 - und ein kleiner Junge nimmt mich an die Hand
- 01/12/2013 - Kosmos
- 01/11/2013 - Ewigkeit
- 01/10/2013 - Die Suche des Phönix
- 01/09/2013 - Maskerade
- 01/08/2013 - writer`s blog or writer´s block
- 01/07/2013 - stärker als der Tod
- 01/06/2013 - nichts ist für immer
- 01/04/2013 - new year, new ways
- 01/03/2013 - there are autists and there are autists
- 12/31/2012 - Happy 2013 - Make it a good one!
- 12/29/2012 - beginning
- 12/10/2012 - was vom Tage übrig bleibt
- 12/09/2012 - unmasked - a tree-logy
- 12/08/2012 - the world a better place
- 12/05/2012 - ich sehe was, was du nie sehen wirst
- 12/04/2012 - Tänzer in eigener Regie
- 11/06/2012 - far from in between
- 11/04/2012 - Zeit
- 10/27/2012 - Selbst zeigen
- 10/26/2012 - Leben erleben
- 10/23/2012 - Zeiten ändern sich
- 10/22/2012 - Das Fluchttier in mir
- 10/21/2012 - Große Sprünge
- 10/08/2012 - horse whisperer
- 10/08/2012 - still here
- 09/30/2012 - Angst
- 09/29/2012 - and it´s all coming back to me now
- 09/28/2012 - Warten auf einen Stern
- 09/27/2012 - the colour of the wheat
- 09/26/2012 - 200 mph
- 09/25/2012 - Spieler
- 09/24/2012 - Bermuda Dreieck
- 09/23/2012 - kein morgen kennen
- 09/22/2012 - Was wäre wenn
- 09/20/2012 - carry me home
- 09/19/2012 - finally dancing
- 09/18/2012 - windows
- 09/17/2012 - Der schwarze Hund
- 09/16/2012 - Begegnung
- 09/15/2012 - whiter shade of self on a good day
- 09/14/2012 - Spiegelbild
- 09/13/2012 - Ein Abend für Elijah
- 09/12/2012 - trains to nowhere
- 09/11/2012 - 9/11
- 09/10/2012 - free falling
- 09/09/2012 - inclusion works both ways
- 09/08/2012 - open your heart
- 09/07/2012 - vernissage day
- 09/05/2012 - the first day of six
- 09/04/2012 - Tapetenwechsel
- 09/03/2012 - today
- 09/02/2012 - Sunday solace
- 09/01/2012 - Inclusion an illusion
- 08/31/2012 - off to new pastures
- 08/30/2012 - the remains of the day
- 08/29/2012 - now that you know
- 08/27/2012 - treasures
- 08/25/2012 - facing self
- 08/24/2012 - unmasking self
- 08/23/2012 - oh happy day
- 08/22/2012 - Spero di esserlo.
- 08/21/2012 - noches como estos
- 08/20/2012 - melt down
- 08/19/2012 - mine field
- 08/18/2012 - Jar of Hearts
- 08/17/2012 - some new colours
- 08/16/2012 - it´s only words
- 08/15/2012 - an Tagen wie diesem
- 08/14/2012 - holding on to you
- 08/13/2012 - Monday the 13th
- 08/12/2012 - our dolphin is a horse
- 08/11/2012 - Unmasking Self
- 08/10/2012 - the right way
- 08/09/2012 - farewell is not good bye
- 08/08/2012 - all good things come to an end
- 08/07/2012 - sometimes 45 is 75
- 08/06/2012 - besser geht´s nicht
- 08/05/2012 - good job, Elijah
- 08/04/2012 - in eigener Sache - The Art of Inclusion
- 08/03/2012 - irgendwo tief in mir
- 08/02/2012 - Seelensteine
- 08/01/2012 - the way it is
- 07/31/2012 - whatever happened?
- 07/30/2012 - being me
- 07/29/2012 - Wie ist dein Leben ohne mich?
- 07/28/2012 - The 41st birthday or everywhich way but here
- 07/27/2012 - Mein bester Freund
- 07/25/2012 - lest you know
- 07/24/2012 - my one true friend
- 07/23/2012 - my everything
- 07/20/2012 - Happy Birthday little Prince
- 07/19/2012 - dissolving
- 07/18/2012 - Wednesday night fever
- 07/17/2012 - indifference
- 07/16/2012 - not like it used to be
- 07/15/2012 - this isn´t really me
- 07/14/2012 - somewhere over the rainbow
- 07/13/2012 - summer
- 07/12/2012 - the kind of day that wears me out
- 07/11/2012 - dancing in the rain
- 07/10/2012 - Hope
- 07/09/2012 - the changeling
- 07/08/2012 - Die Konferenz der Tiere
- 07/07/2012 - Big Brother Awareness
- 07/06/2012 - revelations
- 07/06/2012 - What a day.
- 07/04/2012 - when the going gets tough
- 07/03/2012 - ashes
- 07/02/2012 - at the end of the day
- 07/01/2012 - the public self
- 06/30/2012 - writing for no reader
- 06/29/2012 - thinking fast or slow?
- 06/28/2012 - London
- 06/27/2012 - new shores
- 06/26/2012 - sailing
- 06/25/2012 - Freunde
- 06/19/2012 - disappointment
- 06/18/2012 - Ich und mein Selbst
- 06/17/2012 - Seelenbaumeln
- 06/16/2012 - creativi-day
- 06/15/2012 - magic day
- 06/14/2012 - much to my surprise
- 06/13/2012 - Phoenix Day
- 06/12/2012 - die Farbe des Weizens
- 06/11/2012 - thinking slow and fast
- 06/10/2012 - der Preis, den ich zahle
- 06/09/2012 - many happy returns of the day
- 06/08/2012 - that Friday feeling
- 06/07/2012 - Dove Sei
- 06/06/2012 - challenges need to be accepted
- 06/05/2012 - swing low sweet chariot
- 06/04/2012 - neither here nor there
- 06/03/2012 - I am sorry
- 06/02/2012 - strong enough
- 06/01/2012 - it´s always back to the self
- 05/31/2012 - can´t help my self
- 05/30/2012 - swinging with roses
- 05/29/2012 - when can´t is won´t
- 05/28/2012 - the price we pay
- 05/27/2012 - for no one and everybody
- 05/26/2012 - It´s what people do, leave a note.
- 05/25/2012 - my little hero
- 05/24/2012 - Vernissages come in all sizes
- 05/23/2012 - 208 again
- 05/21/2012 - it´s going the way it is supposed to
- 05/20/2012 - Ein Fahrrad für Elijah
- 05/19/2012 - Believe
- 05/17/2012 - Vote for Thikwa
- 05/16/2012 - blues
- 05/15/2012 - wordless
- 05/14/2012 - facta non verba
- 05/11/2012 - heading for darker shades
- 05/10/2012 - changeling
- 05/09/2012 - ain´t no mountain high enough
- 05/08/2012 - cielo
- 05/07/2012 - how old is your soul?
- 05/06/2012 - let me tell you my story
- 05/05/2012 - who I am
- 05/04/2012 - only fools and dreamers
- 05/03/2012 - every which way but here
- 05/02/2012 - disappointment
- 05/01/2012 - Vatican cameos
- 04/30/2012 - dancing my kind of a dance
- 04/29/2012 - home is where the heart is
- 04/27/2012 - rejection
- 04/25/2012 - challenges
- 04/24/2012 - Gibt es...
- 04/23/2012 - somewhere nowhere
- 04/22/2012 - 42
- 04/21/2012 - awakening
- 04/20/2012 - nowhereland
- 04/19/2012 - done it again
- 04/18/2012 - who´s to know
- 04/17/2012 - Alles ist relativ
- 04/16/2012 - a million miles away
- 04/15/2012 - seperate but not apart
- 04/13/2012 - Sometimes it lasts
- 04/12/2012 - so be it
- 04/11/2012 - journeys
- 04/09/2012 - slip and fall
- 04/08/2012 - Today I was a Berliner
- 04/07/2012 - how can we dance if our earth is turning
- 04/06/2012 - it takes time
- 04/05/2012 - What if I told you
- 04/04/2012 - at the end of the day
- 04/03/2012 - when the going got tough
- 04/02/2012 - Standing up for Autism
- 04/01/2012 - Much ado about Autism
- 03/31/2012 - April is World Autism Awareness Month
- 03/30/2012 - Am Anfang war das Wort ...
- 03/29/2012 - Inklusion - Illusion
- 03/26/2012 - un-Ort zum Kunst-Ort
- 03/25/2012 - who would have thought
- 03/24/2012 - Gluten on the brain
- 03/23/2012 - Ziemlich beste Freunde
- 03/22/2012 - dream catcher
- 03/21/2012 - stepping into the light
- 03/20/2012 - brain scan
- 03/19/2012 - Monday ruins the week, every week or does it?
- 03/18/2012 - exempli gratia
- 03/17/2012 - Dioscuri
- 03/16/2012 - in the light of day
- 03/15/2012 - tree of life
- 03/14/2012 - S.H.
- 03/13/2012 - press-ing issues
- 03/12/2012 - lone star
- 03/11/2012 - I wish I was here
- 03/10/2012 - once a believer, always a believer
- 03/09/2012 - from a distance
- 03/08/2012 - we belong
- 03/07/2012 - a good day to say no
- 03/06/2012 - all over the place but here
- 03/05/2012 - clutter day
- 03/04/2012 - listening to my own voice
- 03/03/2012 - that awkward moment
- 03/02/2012 - I do what I need to do
- 03/01/2012 - Autism is us
- 02/29/2012 - Leap Day
- 02/28/2012 - tomorrow
- 02/27/2012 - what it is all about
- 02/26/2012 - where we are now
- 02/25/2012 - you are so beautiful
- 02/24/2012 - reasons to smile
- 02/23/2012 - Alice in Leipzig
- 02/21/2012 - empty head
- 02/20/2012 - The Noir Hour
- 02/19/2012 - a brush with fate
- 02/18/2012 - Wunder
- 02/17/2012 - Sa som i himmelen
- 02/15/2012 - everything always stays different
- 02/14/2012 - living a life for the others
- 02/13/2012 - words from a stranger
- 02/12/2012 - nel mio cielo
- 02/11/2012 - perfection
- 02/10/2012 - the man at the piano
- 02/09/2012 - coloured mountains
- 02/08/2012 - Ein Quale namens Autismus
- 02/07/2012 - understanding autism
- 02/06/2012 - Sometimes
- 02/05/2012 - certificate of insanity
- 02/04/2012 - if days were ships
- 02/03/2012 - Inspiring
- 02/02/2012 - Divine Art
- 02/01/2012 - it´s always possible in art
- 01/31/2012 - Leipzig
- 01/30/2012 - Dresden
- 01/29/2012 - what´s been said and done
- 01/28/2012 - the one thing
- 01/27/2012 - rainy days never say good bye
- 01/26/2012 - Giving up
- 01/24/2012 - back into my life
- 01/23/2012 - Monday philosophy
- 01/22/2012 - Foreverland
- 01/21/2012 - hug day USA
- 01/20/2012 - friend.ship
- 01/19/2012 - Inklusion
- 01/18/2012 - a good person for just one day
- 01/17/2012 - The autism solution
- 01/16/2012 - I want to go with you
- 01/15/2012 - the art of being a friend
- 01/14/2012 - ne me quitte pas
- 01/13/2012 - The blue unicorn
- 01/12/2012 - How much life in a day?
- 01/11/2012 - walking on ashes
- 01/10/2012 - reptiles, survivors and Alan Rickman
- 01/09/2012 - ashes dance
- 01/08/2012 - turtle trails
- 01/07/2012 - grandfathers
- 01/06/2012 - darkness and light
- 01/05/2012 - memories
- 01/04/2012 - happiness
- 01/03/2012 - first we walk, then we fly
- 01/02/2012 - Happy 11111011100 !
- 01/01/2012 - we are all dancers
- 12/31/2011 - 2012
- 12/30/2011 - silent me
- 12/29/2011 - islands in the stream
- 12/28/2011 - far away right next to me
- 12/27/2011 - Gee-Force
- 12/26/2011 - lost amongst people
- 12/25/2011 - and so this is christmas
- 12/24/2011 - Christmas angel
- 12/23/2011 - have a merry christmas yourself
- 12/21/2011 - Merry Christmas
- 12/20/2011 - the nine lives of my cat
- 12/19/2011 - human yet alien
- 12/18/2011 - light years away
- 12/17/2011 - being alone
- 12/16/2011 - life is like a Rubik´s Cube
- 12/15/2011 - make a difference
- 12/14/2011 - Lektion des Tages
- 12/13/2011 - stay
- 12/12/2011 - someone like me
- 12/11/2011 - breaking patterns
- 12/10/2011 - Run from you
- 12/09/2011 - wahr-nehmung
- 12/08/2011 - whisper to me
- 12/07/2011 - welcome to my world
- 12/05/2011 - you don´t know what it´s like
- 12/04/2011 - between you and me
- 12/03/2011 - für Elijah
- 12/02/2011 - what it means to me to mean something to someone else
- 12/01/2011 - Nekrolog
- 11/30/2011 - Liebe
- 11/29/2011 - solange es immer noch diesen jemand gibt
- 11/28/2011 - I am no one special
- 11/27/2011 - Stay
- 11/26/2011 - The Land of Fear
- 11/25/2011 - not on the same level ever
- 11/24/2011 - the right kind of wrong
- 11/23/2011 - to my secret fan
- 11/22/2011 - who´s leaving who
- 11/21/2011 - Phoenix rising
- 11/20/2011 - crash landing at high speed
- 11/19/2011 - Wahr-nehmungen
- 11/17/2011 - and it is all worth it
- 11/16/2011 - another not-my-day day
- 11/15/2011 - Ashes day
- 11/14/2011 - Opening Night in London
- 11/13/2011 - getting to me
- 11/13/2011 - get me to my self on time
- 11/11/2011 - remembrance day or carneval
- 11/10/2011 - Bad Lausick-Borna-Leipzig-Bad Lausick
- 11/09/2011 - such a thing is autism
- 11/08/2011 - Phoenix
- 11/07/2011 - I´ll take the bruise
- 11/06/2011 - and so it ends
- 11/05/2011 - and so it goes
- 11/04/2011 - who needs words when one has pictures
- 11/03/2011 - being me, all by myself
- 11/02/2011 - I, me and myself - the old story again
- 11/01/2011 - an autistic day
- 10/31/2011 - to be aware
- 10/30/2011 - Halloween 2011
- 10/29/2011 - Die Suche ...hat sich gelohnt
- 10/28/2011 - where time can´t touch me
- 10/27/2011 - I, me and my self
- 10/25/2011 - islands and a light tower
- 10/24/2011 - lost
- 10/23/2011 - where I belong
- 10/22/2011 - Full house
- 10/21/2011 - POOOOOOOOST
- 10/20/2011 - Bundestag lädt Behinderte wieder aus
- 10/19/2011 - three legged cat
- 10/18/2011 - one of these days
- 10/17/2011 - just another manic Monday
- 10/16/2011 - and on and on and on
- 10/16/2011 - about me
- 10/14/2011 - suffer me
- 10/13/2011 - Magic Moments
- 10/12/2011 - “If you're going to make rubbish, be the best rubbish in it.” Richard Burton
- 10/11/2011 - The Art of Inclusion
- 10/10/2011 - I am back
- 10/08/2011 - Moin Moin
- 10/07/2011 - Hamburg
- 10/06/2011 - the night before
- 10/06/2011 - Bareface and heavy friends
- 10/04/2011 - a chestnut, 10 matches and patience
- 10/03/2011 - London calling
- 10/02/2011 - the sky is the limit
- 10/01/2011 - do it and they´ll come
- 09/30/2011 - rollercoaster
- 09/29/2011 - you don´t want to know
- 09/28/2011 - I wish ....
- 09/27/2011 - light and dark
- 09/26/2011 - I believe in you
- 09/25/2011 - the power of fear
- 09/24/2011 - Just because you are there
- 09/23/2011 - blog
- 09/22/2011 - Papal touch down
- 09/21/2011 - Elijah
- 09/20/2011 - chance or fate
- 09/19/2011 - empty
- 09/18/2011 - moments
- 09/17/2011 - for the journey
- 09/16/2011 - idiots are all around
- 09/15/2011 - boxy people
- 09/14/2011 - normality
- 09/13/2011 - dancing the last dance
- 09/12/2011 - just another manic Monday
- 09/11/2011 - 9/11
- 09/10/2011 - neither here nor there
- 09/09/2011 - same difference
- 09/08/2011 - Belladonna
- 09/07/2011 - questions and answers
- 09/06/2011 - Oh Jesus Christ
- 09/05/2011 - Life
- 09/04/2011 - too much to ask
- 09/03/2011 - light
- 09/02/2011 - the summer´s here
- 09/01/2011 - what matters most
- 08/31/2011 - Elijah geht in den Kindergarten
- 08/30/2011 - hoffnung
- 08/29/2011 - Mondays
- 08/28/2011 - Being Gee Vero
- 08/27/2011 - mit dem Herzen sehen
- 08/26/2011 - Faktor Kunst
- 08/25/2011 - mind blind
- 08/24/2011 - nature talks
- 08/23/2011 - Loriot tot
- 08/22/2011 - imagine
- 08/21/2011 - trust
- 08/20/2011 - light and shade
- 08/19/2011 - Lost again
- 08/18/2011 - Please don´t make any promises
- 08/17/2011 - trilogy "tree of my life"
- 08/16/2011 - a new day every day
- 08/15/2011 - a few words about stupidity
- 08/14/2011 - The Art of Inclusion
- 08/13/2011 - the fear of slowly dying
- 08/12/2011 - definitely maybe
- 08/11/2011 - trip down memory lane
- 08/10/2011 - Hope is a necessity
- 08/09/2011 - hanging pictures
- 08/08/2011 - it´s the journey which matters
- 08/07/2011 - dreams are my reality
- 08/06/2011 - on being positive
- 08/05/2011 - friends
- 08/04/2011 - a whiter shade of dark
- 08/03/2011 - out of sync
- 08/02/2011 - regarding me
- 08/01/2011 - dust on my soul
- 07/31/2011 - memories
- 07/30/2011 - 10 good reasons to like the rain
- 07/29/2011 - turn the tide
- 07/28/2011 - it can only get better, can´t it?
- 07/27/2011 - Good Bye Thirtysomethings...
- 07/26/2011 - Life is a zoo
- 07/25/2011 - funny thing that thing called life
- 07/24/2011 - what in the world
- 07/23/2011 - being Gee Vero
- 07/22/2011 - and so this is summer
- 07/21/2011 - for what its worth
- 07/20/2011 - Do you know its birthday time at all?
- 07/19/2011 - 21 day challenge
- 07/18/2011 - what the hell am I doing
- 07/17/2011 - wir nehmen so wahr, wie wir sind
- 07/16/2011 - bye bye
- 07/15/2011 - Ich habe die Farbe des Weizens gewonnen...
- 07/14/2011 - who is reading this?
- 07/13/2011 - Kentucky Fried Chicken and the Gruffalo
- 07/12/2011 - none of us ever maintains full control
- 07/11/2011 - chancen
- 07/10/2011 - life´s a gamble...don´t I know it
- 07/09/2011 - what do you see?
- 07/08/2011 - Hat das Schaf die Blume gefressen oder nicht?
- 07/07/2011 - Words don´t come easy
- 07/06/2011 - believe
- 07/05/2011 - Bundestag, Kunst, Kindergarten und Freundschaft
- 07/04/2011 - 4th of July - Independence Day
- 07/03/2011 - Romeo und Giulietta und andere Tragödien
- 07/02/2011 - I believe in an impossible thing - my self
- 07/01/2011 - neverending story
- 06/30/2011 - loss
- 06/29/2011 - Trotz alledem ...
- 06/28/2011 - Bodenhaftung
- 06/27/2011 - how to enter your world?
- 06/26/2011 - Was ist normal?
- 06/25/2011 - Momente
- 06/24/2011 - even today will always end up becoming yesterday
- 06/23/2011 - every breath a choice - make the right one
- 06/22/2011 - das "neue" Auto
- 06/21/2011 - the way I feel
- 06/19/2011 - That´s how I know what I am in love with , when I am afraid of loosing it
- 06/18/2011 - The Art of Belonging
- 06/17/2011 - Die richtige Richtung
- 06/16/2011 - norwegian sign language
- 06/15/2011 - Sein oder nicht sein
- 06/14/2011 - Kommunikation
- 06/13/2011 - Pfingsten
- 06/12/2011 - so here we are
- 06/11/2011 - Bareface goes commercial
- 06/10/2011 - überleben statt leben
- 06/09/2011 - if there was no blog today
- 06/08/2011 - rock on son
- 06/07/2011 - Wunder geschehen
- 06/06/2011 - moments make a life
- 06/05/2011 - a new dawn
- 06/04/2011 - Gee im Paradies
- 06/03/2011 - das Buch
- 06/02/2011 - the poet and the artist
- 06/01/2011 - Phoenix Day - we will fly
- 05/31/2011 - Einstein wore pink high heels
- 05/30/2011 - The Changeling
- 05/29/2011 - Bareface - Teil einer Zukunftsvision - wer hätte das gedacht?
- 05/28/2011 - ein Auto für Elijah oder weil der TÜV uns scheidet
- 05/27/2011 - .....
- 05/26/2011 - Legal Alien
- 05/25/2011 - to whom it may concern
- 05/24/2011 - Bareface Tattoo Art
- 05/23/2011 - sein oder nicht sein
- 05/22/2011 - Amygdala all day and a bit of Cortex in the night
- 05/21/2011 - Der Phönix fliegt
- 05/20/2011 - Hypothalamus
- 05/19/2011 - and then there was night
- 05/17/2011 - losing my self
- 05/16/2011 - AscheTag
- 05/15/2011 - Galgenraten
- 05/14/2011 - Hirn im Hirn
- 05/13/2011 - Ein neues Eckchen finden
- 05/12/2011 - der tag vorm 13.
- 05/11/2011 - Bareface goes to London
- 05/09/2011 - one of those days
- 05/08/2011 - Cube of Inclusion
- 05/06/2011 - good life
- 05/04/2011 - a good day
- 05/02/2011 - Mai
- 04/30/2011 - where am I and if yes, why?
- 04/29/2011 - The Royal Wedding
- 04/26/2011 - Tischtennis, glimatschiger Möhring, der letzte Osterhase und Mary Poppins
- 04/25/2011 - Monday that felt like Sunday
- 04/24/2011 - Easter Sunday
- 04/23/2011 - Gee´s Blog