Today at the Max Planck Institute in Leipzig I had my first ever encounter with an MRI scanner. It was only a dry run but hell I did feel my amygdala reacting. It was really weird being pushed into this really really narrow tube. I immediately got a strong feeling of being stuck. To compensate for this sensation my subconscious mind reminded me of a Bones episode where the two main characters were buried alive. Needless to say this did not help. I tried to think of a beach and massive amounts of space and had some success with it. In the end I told my amygdala to just get a grip and let me deal with it. So I successfully made it through the five minute trial session. The next time I will be entering one of these I have to be in there for one hour. That´s 60 minutes, 3600 seconds...isn´t that eternity? But if I am a good proband ( or do they say guinea pig ? ) I will get a scan picture of my brain which would make me the happiest person ever to walk the streets ( for a while anyway as we all know that happiness doesn´t last).
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