Memories are a way to hold on to things that we cherish, things that we are and that are us, things that we cannot afford to loose. I always wondered why I had so few memories left of my childhood or better, why I couldn´t get to them. We are all time machines, memories are a journey into the past and dreams are journeys into our future. And by God dreams I do have. So why not memories? But maybe just slowing down, looking around and learning to live from scratch again. I have oiled that rusty time machine enough to bring me back some of my childhood memories. This prooves that we never really loose our memories for the heart holds on to them forever. It is important to have memories as the moments we will loose but the memories are there to last a life time. So a moment we share, say in January, will be a memory each of us will have in October. With regards to the more painful memories, we cannot change them but we can change their meaning and with that the power they have over us.
I hope that my memories will paint pictures of the past ans pictures of the day which inspire my tomorrow.
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